National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction: National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction (NAPDDR) is combined efforts of the Government of India, State/UT Governments, implementing agency.
The NAPDDR includes components for preventive education and awareness generation, capacity building, treatment, and rehabilitation, setting quality standards, focussed intervention in vulnerable areas, skill development, vocational training and livelihood support of ex-drug addicts, State/UT specific interventions, surveys, studies, evaluation and research, Monitoring & Evaluation.
Annual Action Plan for 2021-22 would focus on (272) most affected districts and launch a three-pronged attack combining efforts of Narcotics Bureau, Outreach/Awareness by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt of India.
Based on the finding of the National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance Use in India and list of districts which are vulnerable from the supply point of view provided by Narcotics Control Bureau, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment would undertake intervention programmes in vulnerable districts across the country with an aim to:
Reach out to about 10 Lakh Children and Youth for awareness about ill effect of drug use.
Increase community participation and public cooperation.
Conducting Training programme for about 20,000 participants.
The following intervention programmes would be carried out in the (272) districts to increase community participation and public cooperation in the reduction of demand for dependence-producing substances and promote collective initiatives and self-help endeavour among individuals and groups vulnerable to addiction or found at risk including persons who have undergone treatment at IRCAs as a follow up measure.
Through this programme, youth would be trained as Peer Educators to lead peer led community intervention and implement early prevention education especially for vulnerable adolescents and youth in the community. This programme would also provide referral and linkage to counselling, treatment and rehabilitation services for drug dependents identified in the community.
The ODICs would provide safe and secure drop-in space for drug users in the community. These centres shall have the provision of screening, assessment and counselling and would provide referral and linkage to treatment and rehabilitation services for drug dependents. Focus on Treatment facilities, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment would provide drug treatment clinics for outpatient while for inpatients it will be provided for running and maintenance of Integrated Rehabilitation Centres for Addicts (IRCAs).
The IRCAs provide services for identification of addicts, motivational counselling, detoxification/de-addiction, and Whole Person Recovery, after care and reintegration into the social mainstream.